Q&A: Seed uncovers the power of cultivating community

Author: Joel Menegazzo, Creative Director at Seed Marketing
In late March, Seed (Amplify’s Gen Z agency) hosted its ‘Cultivating Community’ event, a What Matters to Us project, in partnership with eight youth-run communities. They collaborated with for-youth-by-youth communities and cultural visionaries to explore how community is shaping the next generation and what this means for brands.
Seed found eight collectives from across the UK, covering a range of passions and purposes, from nunchuck-wielding warriors and global gaming collectives, to mental health advocates and a radically trans-inclusive football team. The collectives came together for one project to share the challenges they face and the legacy they hope to leave behind in a limited edition zine and short film.
MediaCat Magazine’s Content and Social Media Editor, Grace Gollasch, spoke to Seed’s Creative Director, Joel Menegazzo, about the process behind the project.
How did you find the community groups involved in the project? Was there a certain criteria you were looking for?
In short, we found the communities through our internal and external network, coffee with some well-connected friends, alongside our own desk research. With the right brief (and eye), a dive through Instagram uncovers some progressive crews fairly quickly. The criteria was simple, we were seeking communities that were created by youth, for youth. Ideally somewhat established in reputation, though grass roots in spirit and still evolving. Our list was much wider than the eight communities we collaborated with, ensuring a diverse line-up of craft, activity and background ultimately helped us land on the final crews.
Our project is an ongoing one, so we’re aiming to work with our wider list of communities throughout the year and beyond. Whether that’s through ‘What Matters to Us’ as it evolves, or pairing them with brands. There’s so much talent and energy there, we’re keen to ensure it’s unlocked.
To read the full article, visit MediaCat.