
Seed + Soap & Glory bring s❇me all-important glam t❇ campus...

Challenge + Idea

Soap & Glory is a brand that celebrates fun, creativity and self expression – just like students! They wanted to show students how aligned they were in this sense, giving them a reason to engage with and adopt the brand.

Knowing that students place the most confidence in recommendations from their peers and that young people now look to online videos for beauty advice, we created the the Soap & Glory Glambassador programme, a student micro influencer campaign that ignites girls to look, feel and act kick ass on campus with Soap & Glory.

Kicking off with 'Pluck Me I’m Famous!’, a competition to find our Glambassadors, budding beauty bloggers were able to submit their kick-ass video entries and the very best were put to the student vote. Our crowning crew received a support package including vlogger training and mentoring, products galore and the chance to bag a summer internship at the Soap & Glory New York offices.

In exchange, our Glambassadors spread fun and fabulousness at their University; reviewing products, creating content and running kick-ass getting ready parties on campus.


    - Recruitment for the Glambassador role was designed with a viral voting mechanic
    - Our Glambassadors were trained in creating content to create maximum social reach and engagement
    - The Glambassadors focused on delivering fun and shareable experiences to influential students on campus


    "Seed have successfully grown Soap & Glory brand awareness and engagement amongst the student population by creating a unique and memorable brand experience that has been excellently tailored to our brand. From a bright pink double-decker bus that toured 16 universities, to a highly engaging digital and on-the-ground student ambassador programme, over the last 2 years Seed have translated the fun and fabulousness of the Soap & Glory brand into an activation programme that appeals to the UK student population."

    Rhian Hawkins | Global Brand Marketing Soap & Glory